Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Enough said...........

Shoe Porn

Charolette Olympia

Christian Louboutin



Classic: Black and white


Kanye West did a spoken word session for the people at Facebook and dropped a teaser for his upcoming album, Good Ass word: ILL!
I will forever be a Kanye fan because he does shit like this.
Here are some of the dopest lines in this piece.
Mr. West:
"My teeth already white yall gonna make me floss for nothing."
"Don Cheadle time, get extra black on em."
"Burn hollywood, burn....take to long for the homies to get there turn."
"I swear lifes a bitch on her period."
"This is the making of a masterpiece so we broke out the chains and told the master peace."

oooooooo he's back!
Click on the title of the post to see the actual video footage

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