Monday, February 11, 2008

NIGGER drops bombs on Grammys

So basically I think Nas is a genius in every way shape and form. Why? Because he wore a shirt that says "Nigger" to the Grammys, and "No" I was not scared to type that word. Historically "nigger" has been one of those words black people should have never gotten used to, but just decided to turn it into something "positive", like how feminists attempt to claim that "bitch" is a term of endearment? All that is a load of crap, the most crap you will probably ever hear in your young life. I cant even lie though, I do use "nigga" probably about every 12 seconds in between profanities, but that's something I can conquer in due time. Anyway Nas CLEARLY has a bigger agenda that has nothing to do with promotion, he wants to basically in a sense symbolically delete the words' meaning in order to grow from the negativity stemming from it. Of course he knows good and damn well that the word will always hold its negative connotation, but he wants to make people aware of what they are saying, aware of all of the baggage that one word carries. In a recent video i saw,Nas states that he wants to "take the power from the word", a difficult feat for anyone, even a famous rapper lol. This could be one of the most influential albums of our time (next to The Cool), Nas is making the hip hop community recognize all of the issues surrounding this one word (hence the change from "nigga" to "nigger") he is forcing us to pay attention and face it, not to cover it up and pretend like its not there. This album will not be celebratory, not a glorification of the glitz and glam of "nigga", but a factual realization of the negativity surrounding "nigger", the ignorance surrounding that word and its glamorous counterpart. You gotta support this album folks, if you don't it's like not supporting Obama--better yet it's like being a Republican, and who wants to be that?

"it's just an album, not a civil rights march"-esco himself


Anonymous said...

DJ again. Just wrote about that a couple weeks ago (had no clue about Nas' idea, thanks for the heads up). I'm mix, but I still 'ont like when a friend calls me nigga here n there. Its a shame its looked at as acceptance in our (yes speaking from my half black side ha, not the part white/spanish side) community. Keep dropping knowledge. God Bless


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