Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I often sit back and think about the "L" word. No, not "lesbian" you stupids, LOVE lol. Yes Love, the word we hold so close to our hearts, or we believe that it in itself is the only function our hearts provide (forgetting the whole circulation of blood to sustain life thing). I love LOVE and I love being in love, but I no longer feel the love. Where is the LOVE people and if you know where it is tell me what 1-800 number I can call to get me some of that truth. dig? Whenever I am not in love, lust, or just casually talking to some nigga fool,  I feel like i'm missing out on this big secret. You know those times when you come home after this bomb ass party and brotha you used to talk to was lookin right, but you just don't have the balls to give his ass a call, so you sit in your house while you watch your roommates go galavanting into the night sky in pursuit of some good lovin' or lustin'...whatever. As Americans we are constantly reminded that if we find that one special person everything will miraculously be OK. Will love make it OK? Or will love just blind us?

Maybe the reason why people love LOVE so much is because it blinds them from reality. It can be good to some or bad to some. As an artist I feel that an escape from reality is a release and an allowance to create your own reality. Its deep ya'll. Being in love is being humble, being aware of a person's flaws, but acceptant of them, being open for anything and most importantly being in love is taking a risk. So with allllll that said I encourage you to love. Take a risk and pursue love, be loved, break the barriers down. Don't be afraid of rejection, be afraid of being numb. You only live once, (unless you believe in reincarnation, then you only live THIS life once).

peace people
love freely :)


Anonymous said...

Awww aint that sweet. I never knew that Kim had a sensitive side lol. That love stuff is somethin else. I definitely know what you mean about how ppl use love to hide them from things. love isnt a shroud that one should pull over their eyes to block out the bad stuff, but instead simply a way of seeing. When you see with love you are more forgiving of something that someone has done wrong to you, but you are mature enuff to not forget but still move on with your life. some ppl be in fucked up relationships and constantly taking lame ass fuckheads back and just act like nothing happened at all. I hate that shit. Then they be surprised when the same shit keep happenin to them over and over. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way over and over and expecting different results. Dont get me wrong tho. I love love lol. Love is one of the... no... is the strongest force on earth. fuck gravity. fuck a whole football team full of wrestlers. But it seems as if love has no control over its strength. Once u think u got her figured out she switches things up. but i guess its more fun that way.

Anonymous said...

oh sorry if u didnt know this is
Brandon. Cmon u know that shit had to come from a poet.

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